Saturday, November 22, 2008

Unit 2 Test: The Soundtrack

I've taken shamefully long to finally grade my Unit 2 test.  Almost 3 weeks!  Every time I even thought about the test I felt nauseous.  Sadly, I'm sure my students did as well.  This was a sloppy, unfocused unit that has given me several valuable insights into how important it is to have a clearer understanding of where I want to go with a unit before I start teaching it.  
So I'm wrapping up the grading on a Saturday afternoon when I'd so much rather be with my family.  I'm appalled at the results; the essay answers defy any previously held notions of laziness/inaccuracy.  The average essay answer is about a 14 out of 20.  Its just horrible.  I'm tempted to wipe this test from the record.  It will definitely be mercifully devalued because I did not hold up my part of the bargain.  

Anyways, while grading this test this song popped up that so beautifully encapsulates the spirit of this test - complete with an almost hindu-chant like beginning as a nod to our coverage of major world religions. 

The Art of Dying - Gojira


Jane said...

Hi--I recently applied for the 2009 Summer Program for bctr and was accepted for an interview. I really love your blog. It's very insightful. I just wanted to know more feedback about the program and whether you recommend it, or what kind of person you would recommend it to.

Thank you.

The Constable said...

Hi Jane,

feel free to follow the link to my class website to contact me with whatever questions you have about BCTR.